Route Code A
Travel Pass Colour Purple
Falkland,A912,adj,Pillars of Hercules 08:03
Strathmiglo,A912,adj,Cash Feus 08:06
Strathmiglo,High Street,adj,West Road 08:08
Strathmiglo,High Street,opp,Station Road 08:08
Auchtermuchty,Low Road,adj,Orchard Court 08:14
Bell Baxter HS 08:30
Route Code B B
Travel Pass Colour Purple Purple
M,Tu & F W & Th
Bell Baxter HS stance 3 arrive 14:40 15:30
Bell Baxter HS stance 3 depart 14:55 15:45
Auchtermuchty,Low Road,opp,Orchard Court 15:11 16:01
Strathmiglo,High Street,adj,Primary School 15:17 16:07
Strathmiglo,High Street,opp,West Road 15:17 16:07
Strathmiglo,A912,opp,Cash Feus 15:19 16:08
Falkland,A912,opp,Pillars of Hercules 15:22 16:12


Route Code A - Pillars of Hercules, A912, Strathmiglo, Sandygates, High Street, A91, Auchtermuchty, Low Road, Cupar Road, A91, Melville Lodges Roundabout, A91, Cupar, Carslogie Road, Bell Baxter HS

Route Code B - Bell Baxter HS, Carslogie Road, A91, Melville Lodges Roundabout, A91, Auchtermuchty, Cupar, Road, Low Road, A91, Strathmiglo, High Street, Sandygates, A912, Pillars of Hercules